Sentiment Indicator
A highly accurate NINJA TRADER divergence indicator used to Locate precise bottoms and tops in any market.Great when used along with the Volume Profile Indicator or with other counter trend indicators. Can be used as a Entry and or exit Indicator.


This is a very accurate NINJA TRADER divergence indicator that is used to locate the precise bottoms and tops in any market. This is a great indicator to use with the Volume Profile Indicator along with other counter trend indicators. It is a great crude oil high/low price and contract price locator updated on a daily basis.


A sentiment indicator is a measure of the way the public feels about a traded asset or a market based on quantifying various factors including unemployment, inflation, politics or macroeconomic conditions and how those may influence future buy and sell behaviors for the market. It is very useful as an entry or exit indicator for this reason.


Volume data, support and resistance levels and sentiment are all important principles in trading.

Is the asset thinly traded?

What is the liquidity of the asset?

Is stock volume rising or slowing?

What is the current resistance level of the asset?

Is the current price near the support level or close to resistance levels?

How is sentiment likely to affect the assets price, margins, movement?


You don’t have to assess any of these principles on your own, using up your valuable time.  The Volume Trend Originator will do all of that for you and give you a clear, visual indicator to let you decide when it’s time to move on an asset.

 Buy Sentiment Indicator                               $1399.00

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